Our school day

All classes

  • 8.50am: start of school day
  • 10.30am - 10.45am:  playtime
  • 12.00pm -1.00pm:  lunchtime
  • 3.15pm: end of the school day



The School Council

School council logoThe School Council plays an important role in the life of St John's. It is made up of two pupils from each class who are elected to represent the children from their class at the council meetings. They meet regularly and have been involved with many recent projects in school. 

Meet our school councillors for 2023-24

  • Year 1: Sam L and Lottie
  • Year 2: Yusuf and Carys
  • Tear 3: Ellen and Levi
  • Year 4: Edie and Toby N
  • Year 5: Amelie and Peter
  • Year 6: Raphael and Mia M

This year, the School Council will be involved in a project to increase the provision for physical activity during play and lunch as well as supporting a project to increase the amount of shade available on hot days. They will be developing links with our local community and leading key events in school.


Outdoor play and learning (OPAL)

OPAL logo

We are excited to share with you one of our focus areas for our school's development this year. As a school we will be working on developing our play opportunities. We will be re-engaging in a project called OPAL Play.

We are really excited to be developing the play provision for our children at St John’s. Our aim is to provide increased enjoyment, activities, inclusion and learning for all of our pupils.

Please make sure that your child is bringing in a waterproof coat with a hood everyday as we aim to have children outside as much as possible including when raining, as long as it is safe to do so. Our lunchtime play team are going to be trialling lots of new ideas all aimed at maximising opportunities for play as we gradually provide new experiences and resources over the rest of the coming year.



Eco council logo

Sustainability at St John's School

Eco-committee news 2023-2024

St John's has an elected eco-council who are full of fantastic ideas!

Year 1-Jonah and Molly

Year 2- Enzo and Claudia

Year 3- Olive and Harper

Year 4- Ellis and Bella

Year 5- Ava and Ellie

Year 6- Prince and Orlagh

What are we hoping to achieve this year?

Eco council want to ensure that we are helping our planet by turning off lights and taps when they are not needed. The eco team will be making posters and attaching them next to light switches and above the sinks around the school to remind everyone to switch the lights off and turn off the taps.

Eco council have been busy using our litter picking equipment during breaks and lunch to ensure our playgrounds are a clean and tidy space for all children at St John's. The children learnt about reducing waste and recycling more. 

All children at St John's engage in an 'Environment Day' where we learn about important topics. Our Eco councillors will meet shortly to decide on areas of focus.

KS1 -

LKS2 -

UKS2 -

Eco council have produced an action plan to improve the chosen topics. 

We have begun a ‘Travel Action Plan’ to gain funding for St John's to improve eco travel. Look out for more exciting days to support our travel project!


Healthy Schools Award

Healthy Schools Logo

This year St John's achieved the Healthy Schools Gold Award! This means that we have been recognised for:

  • our food education and compliance with the school food standards;
  • the amount of time children spent on PE each week;
  • our participation in active travel schemes.

As part of the award, one of our children won a competition to design and make a healthy vegetarian recipe that children were able to choose for a lunch option at school. Each class has also planted their vegetable patch, ready for harvesting at the end of the Summer.


Sporting achievements

Sports logo

Futura sport competitions

All year groups enjoy taking part in a series of inclusive sports competitions throughout the school year with other schools within the Futura Learning Partnership.


Congratulations to our superb St John's netball team, who have won the B&NES netball tournament and qualified for the WESPORT School Games final. Well done!


St John's took part in the B&NES quick-cricket tournament and reached the semi-finals. Fantastic team work!


Well done to all of the pupils who have taken part in the football cup competition. They successfully reached the quarter finals.


Breakfast Club and after school activities

Premier Education Logo

Premier Education

Our provision is run by Premier Education. You can book into their after school and breakfast club provision by clicking on the following link.

Premier Education

Premier Sport run provision from 7.45 until the start of school day. After school provision begins at 3.15 with the option to remain at school until 4.30, 5.00 or 5.30pm.

School Clubs

Teachers and teaching assistants run a number of lunchtime and after-school clubs. Sign-up to these is released at the beginning of the school year. The options for 2023/2024 are:

  • Art and craft
  • Choir
  • Cooking
  • First Aid
  • Lego
  • Board Games
  • Netball

In addition, we invite in specialists to run after school clubs. These will also be released at the beginnng of the school year.


Curriculum and Hook Days

Hook Days

We begin our new themes with a hook day. Our programme of hook days ensures that all children experience annually the following activities:

  • Library visit
  • Museum visit
  • Dress-up days
  • Trip in the local area

Curriculum Days

Throughout the year, the children take part in curriculum days, progressively planned across the year groups. This year we have held:

  • Environment Day
  • STEM Day
  • World Book Day
  • Arts Day
  • Journey Day and Patronal Festival
  • Online Safety Day
  • Mental Wellbeing Day

Careers education

Children at St John's have access to a wide range of opportunities to raise aspirations and explore new opportunities, fields and careers. Our aim is to support our pupils for life in modern Britain.

We do this through inviting members of the school community to talk to the children about their careers as well as giving the chance to think about careers when studying different topics, for example a geologist when learning about rocks.

Here are some examples of our visitors this year:

  • A female pilot as part of our STEM day
  • A member of Greenpeace as part of our environment day
  • Parent career talks to Year 5 and 6
  • Talks by authors